Vitamins and Herbal Supplements – Waste of Money or Healthy Habit?

Vitamins and herbal formulas are a multi-billion dollar industry. Natural remedies for memory, energy, weight loss, joint pain, and even libido abound. Everyone is looking for the Holy Grail, but is it necessary to take vitamins for longevity and do herbal formulas even work?


Most doctors will tell you that calcium and Vitamin D are necessary to ward off osteoporosis. Folate is crucial to prevent birth defects. B vitamins give an undeniable boost of energy. But studies have also found that the typical multivitamin may not extend life or fight disease. A healthy diet should be enough to give all the body all the needed nutrients.


Herbal remedies were human beings’ first medicine. Chamomile, ginseng, echinacea are among the most commonly used herbs. So are fish oil, garlic, ginkgo biloba, and glucosamine. But most supplements have not been studied thoroughly enough and have no guaranteed effect. Other herbal compounds could interfere with medication and exacerbate health problems. Even though herbs seem like harmless leaves, roots, and flowers, don’t experiment with any herbs until you’ve spoken to your doctor.


Most of the claims in made by supplement manufacturers cannot be corroborated by the FDA. This doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t work. They may just not have been tested for such a use. You’ll find people who swear by certain supplements. So, if you want to try the latest remedy for low energy, sagging skin, or aching knees, what have you got to lose? Just make sure there are no possible risks or interactions first.


Do you believe vitamins make a difference?

What’s your favorite herbal supplement?

Share below!


And never forget – A Smile Changes Everything!


Beauty Over 60: How to Wear a Fragrance

Fragrances and come and go, but the dreaded term “old lady perfume” still lingers. It can be a challenge to find the right fragrance the older we become. Sweet scents, like vanilla or fruit, may not be sophisticated enough for an older woman. Stronger colognes and perfumes can be too overpowering. So how do we buy and wear a perfume that enhances rather than distracts?

Perfume shopping tips

Buy perfumes that match your own personal style – For example, if you like to wear dark-colored clothing and heavy textures, a light citrusy scent will not fit. If you live in a hot, humid climate, it’s probably best to avoid the heavier fragrances.

Don’t buy the cheap stuff – Cheap perfumes can be harsh and smell strongly of alcohol. They become stale-smelling very quickly. Splurge a little bit on yourself and buy a nice perfume from a well-known brand.

Perfume wearing tips

Beware of personal care products – medicated creams, powders, and lotions will lend to that “old lady scent” and can clash with your perfume. Try to find fragrance-free products, or ones with a non-offensive smell.

Throw away old bottles of perfume – it’s tempting to hold onto a perfume and only use it for special occasions, especially if it was a gift, but scents go bad quickly. As recommended by this article in In Style, fragrances may last for 3-5 years, but it’s best to buy a new bottle after a year.

Don’t be discouraged from more sophisticated scents

Some people associate bolder fragrances with older women. However, as Elizabeth Musmanno, president of The Fragrance Foundation, stated in this article on The Fashion Spot“Classic fragrances with a strong point of view continue to hold strong for 2017.” The most important thing to remember is to go out and buy whatever makes you feel good.

What is your favorite perfume?
Please leave your tips and questions in the comment section below.


And never forget – A Smile Changes Everything!







Beauty Over 60: 5 Ways to Look Radiant

Self-care is more important as we grow older. Our bodies require more maintenance than they did when we were young. To feel confident and happy, we must not only pay attention to our health, but our looks. Here are 5 ways to improve both.

  1. Whiten Up

Yellowing and staining of teeth is tremendously aging. Luckily, there are many affordable choices for tooth whitening. Whitening strips are a quick, affordable, and super-effective way to brighten teeth without damaging your enamel. Whitening pastes or professional treatments at your dentist are also great options. Afterward, you’ll be inclined to smile more, which gives you a natural radiance.

  1. Acid Peel

A glycolic or lactic peel will take dead layers of your face, lessening the appearance of wrinkles, removing dull skin, and allowing your skin to attract more water. You can go to an aesthetician for professional peels, or buy formulas online for at-home use.

  1. Juicing

Radiance begins on the inside. Take care of your body on a cellular level by drinking a fresh juiced vegetables every morning. Carrots, red peppers, other carotene-rich foods will add a healthy color to your complexion. Cucumbers are wonderful for hydrating and detoxification. Tomatoes, beets, and greens are also nutritious additions.

  1. Workout

A light workout will get your circulation going and help melt away stiffness. Exercise boosts your mood and energy levels. Walking outside works wonders. Being out in nature encourages a general sense of well-being. A few minutes of sunlight tones and tans skin and produces vitamin D, which is crucial to healthy bones and fights depression. A positive attitude fights age and a smile gives a natural facelift.

  1. Deep Sleep

It’s more difficult for many people to get enough sleep as they grow older. If you’re having trouble staying asleep, you can try natural remedies like melatonin, valerian, magnesium, linden tea, and chamomile. Lavender essential oils and candles are a relaxing addition to your pre-sleep ritual. Electronics like the TV or smartphone disrupt sleep patterns. Turn them off or remove them from your bedroom altogether.

What are you favorite ways to stay radiant after 60? Please leave your tips and questions in the comment section below.


And never forget – A Smile Changes Everything!






Lipsticks – Our Best Friends!

beautiful lips painted red lipstick

“I just want to put on some lipstick.”  is something every woman says a thousand times during her life. And while freeing the creamy stick from its tube,  looking in the mirror, and opening her lips slightly she carefully applies the magic that makes her look better and above all makes her feel whole again, because without it she feels incomplete.

I remember my mother-in-law, even at 91 years old, always had a lipstick close by. When she had diner at home or in restaurant a lipstick was right beside her plate. And no sooner had she finished her meal she picked it up and gently applied it to her lips. No, she needed no mirror, and no, she never missed, all was perfectly in place.

From all the items in our make-up kid the lipstick  is the most effective:

  • it makes the face look alive
  • it  makes the face look pretty
  • it adds sex appeal to the face
  • it protects the lips against dryness
  • it brightens up your smile
  • and most of all it makes us feel whole
Close-up of Nefertiti’s Lips

Today’s women are not the first to enhance their appeal with lipstick. In 1923 the first lipstick in a tube was sold. But as far back as in Ancient Mesopotamia (5000 BC) women decorated their lips with crushed gem stones, and in Egypt Queen Nefertiti (1370 BC)  was always depicted with red lips.

Queen Nefertiti 1370 BC


And ever since women have enhanced their beauty by coloring their lips. And our choices have grown ever since. It is an overwhelming task to find the perfect shade – (the reason we end up with dozens of lipsticks in our drawer). My personal chagrin is that every time I find the perfect color it is soon discontinued. I was told by a cosmetic company executive that women get very excited by new shades and it guarantees a sale.

But with all the options we have, beware of the following missteps when getting a little older:

  • too bright colors – can easily look garish
  • too dark colors – don’t give any life to the face
  • lip-gloss – tends to run into the little lines around the mouth

A statistic showing that when times are bad sales of lipstick go up certainly confirms that a lipstick is the most important item in our paint box.


And never forget – A Smile Changes Everything!







If you are like me and you like looking at pretty things, including  pretty, well-dressed women this is a little reminder not to forget ourselves. The French have a lovely expression when looking at a beautiful woman –  ‘se rinser l’oil’  – it means ‘to feast your eyes.’

And if you tell me that I am putting too much emphasize on appearance, stop and think a minute – doesn’t the first impression influence us in forming an opinion about a person? Of course this is nothing new.

Here are a quotes going back as far as the eighteenth-century.

‘Dress changes the manner’  – French philosopher Voltaire   voltaire

‘People who can’t get  it together are uninterested in themselves’  – American designer Halston

‘A respectable appearance is sufficient to make people more interested in your soul’ – French Designer Karl Lagerfeld

The clothes we wear send a message about how the world perceives us’ – Tim Gunn from Project Runway (Maybe it was one of your favorite programs?)

Now looking our best does not happen by itself. Not even the models smiling down at us from the pages of magazines get up in the morning looking glamorous. But we all know they have a lot of help before they are photographed for the pages of Vogue. And even women who are not models, and that is most of us, need a little help. And the person to help you, is you.

Take some time to create the picture you want the world to see   —  and wouldn’t it be nice if somebody would feast their eyes on you?


And never forget- A Smile Changes Everything!

2016-01-27 12.40.02 (5)Brigitte





Click here to buy on Amazon



happiness flowers

Sharing a few friendly words with another person, even a stranger in a supermarket or a train station, or when the situation allows, is easy. All you have to do is smile, ask a  question, and start the conversation.

This is what I did last Saturday. I walked up to the flower display at Loews, where a lady was looking at the flowers too.

“Aren’t they pretty?” I asked her

“Yes, but then you never know how long they will last, how fresh they are, and if you like them when you get them home.”

This is a DON’T.

Watching her walk away without flowers I was wondering how somebody can have so many excuses for not wanting a splash of cheerfulness in their life. (No, she didn’t look like she couldn’t afford to buy flowers.  She was very well dressed and groomed). And it was not the flowers fault either, they looked very fresh.  It was her negative attitude that prevented her from taking home a pretty bunch of flowers which would have added a ray of sunshine to her day.

Andrew Weil M.D.  who often appeared on Channel 13 giving advice on how to make us feel better, always mentioned that flowers should be part of our life, because, besides their beauty, they give us energy –


…but you have to buy the flowers first!


If YOU have experienced any negative or positive behavior it would be wonderful if you shared it with us. It will remind us how to embrace the positive in life, and how important it is to get rid of anything negative.

Thank you for participating in this quest.


And never forget – A Smile Changes Everything



Available on Amazon

Marilyn Monroe’s’ Birthday

It’s her birthday and if she was still alive she would be 90 years old today.


One of my grandmother’s thoughts about age was if you don’t want to get old you have to die young.

Marilyn did — and she will forever be young and beautiful.


And always remember  – A Smile Changes Everything



……will eventually get you there.

As an Indie author I have a rule – I must to sell a book a day – to whom? Anybody who will buy. I recently got a note from our doorman who had bought a book for his mother. He sent me the following message – Thank you so much for the book! My mother is enjoying it a lot since it fits her personality! Wish you great success!

Of course I would rather sell more books a day, and often I do, but these little encouragements are kicks carrying me forward, forward to bigger things to come.

And never forget…….a smile changes everything!




Today is a very special day – it is the day I can tell you that my book Getting Over Growing Older will be published on on March 10 — and it is the day I am writing my first blog – one of many to come – where we can talk about and find out how not to grow old.

Writing a book is like giving birth. No, not like giving birth to a child, but giving birth to oneself. In this book I have opened my heart and shared experiences of my life, which have taught me that staying positive is the key to happiness and making the challenges of life easier to overcome.

I am leaving you with a short excerpt from the introduction

I never think of my age, and I don’t think I am old. The calendar says otherwise, but what the calendar says has no affect on how I feel or look.

I am often asked why I have so much energy. Do I? I’m often told that I don’t look my age. Don’t I? I am happy to hear these comments, but I always feel that there is nothing unusual about me. Until one day when I was vacationing in France.

I became friends with Angie, an English lady a little younger than I, who said, “You know, you are very inspiring. I admire your enthusiasm for life and your positive attitude. I wish some of it would rub off on me.”

As I thought about her remark and I asked myself why I don’t feel old or look my age, the answers became the inspiration and reason for writing this book.


And never forget –  a smile changes everything
