Eargo Neo Hearing Aid- As Low As $109/Month. Invisible, Rechargeable, Comfortable.Eargo Neo Hearing Aid- As Low As $109/Month. Invisible, Rechargeable, Comfortable.Eargo Neo Hearing Aid- As Low As $109/Month. Invisible, Rechargeable, Comfortable.Eargo Neo Hearing Aid- As Low As $109/Month. Invisible, Rechargeable, Comfortable.Eargo Neo Hearing Aid- As Low As $109/Month. Invisible, Rechargeable, Comfortable.

CONGRATULATION! said the friendly voice at the other end of the line. I was taken aback – what do you mean Congratulation? What is there to be happy about when one needs a hearing aid?

When I told a friend about this she explained, “You got that all wrong, she meant Congratulation  –  you are  finally  getting a hearing aid.”

Yes, it has been a long time that I hear only half of what is going on around me, like lectures I attend, or  not knowing what my grandchildren said, or having to put the TV up a few notches. I once read that when getting older the hardest thing to admit is that we don’t hear well anymore – how true!

I went through this with my mother who refused to get a hearing aid and blamed everyone for mumbling, not making it her fault that she had now clue who said what – and later  claimed that nobody told her anything anymore. Her refusal didn’t go down well with me. I blamed her for being unreasonable and not facing facts. But now the moment had come for me to face facts. Admittedly, liker her, I delayed and delayed. Until last summer when I went on trip to Switzerland with my family and missed half of what was being said at dinner or otherwise.

Fate must have heard me because suddenly there was an add for a hearing aid on Instagram nearly daily. ‘A free trial, return within 6 weeks if it does not work out, nearly invisible, easy to handle and guess what? They finally convinced me. Me, a super-anti-shopping-on-line person went for the free trial. But before that I had my hearing tested by a doctor, and with the results went for a free trial.

When they came I opened the box carefully, hesitantly. I looked at all the instructions, and the two little gismos, looking like little flies, in the black round charger. Looking for another delay I put everything back in the box and decided to call my daughter-in-law  Ann for help. Being a health teacher she is very efficient in these matters. Together we read the booklet and according to the instructions she inserted the two little flies into my ears. Result,  I couldn’t even feel them and better yet they are nearly invisible. Very important because I am very vain.

My first trip out was a lunch with a friend, walking into the restaurant I the noise was deafening, but then I remembered that all I had to do was tap my ears lightly and the sound adjusted – it really did. This feature of tapping the ear to increase or decrease any noise is very discreet and easy.

By now I must sound like an advertisement for this hearing aid – well if you need to know – it is called EarGo. So if you miss a beat here or there – check it out  -and the price is reasonable. AND I can assure you it works well.

I will certainly life longer hearing what the word around me has to say, but if I don’t live longer because of it, at least I was fully present while alive.

And never forget – A Smile Changes Everything!




Today being Black Friday you might be out shopping  –  so while you are out there this would be a good moment to look for a new coat – saying this I am really talking to one of my good friends who came to visit me a few weeks ago.

One morning while putting on her red coat she said, “Isn’t it amazing – this coat is 24 years old and still holding up” (just barely was my thought) she went on to say, “Amy – that is her daughter – thinks it looks awful, and I should get a new one. But why should I, I think this is perfect. What do you think?”

Since I was in agreement with Amy, and can’t lie, I hid behind Amy and told her, “Maybe Amy is right. A new coat will make you feel and look better.”

My friend is not the only one who I have heard say that a garment is still holding up after x-years. And it is usually said with great pride, making me wonder why some women are so proud of owning old cloth. Here are some considerations that might help to get rid of them:

  •  they are not fashionable anymore (no, not everything comes back)
  •  they have lost their fit
  •  the color has faded
  •  it looks worn
  •  the fabric looks old
  •  it does not suit you anymore

I would like to add to the last point that even if all of the above were not true we have to accept that over the years we have changed – put on some weight, lost some weight, became a little older – and what was suitable 10 years ago is no longer becoming, because our cloth do not change with us. 


Maybe my friend will read this and realize that the world is full of beautiful coats with which she can replace  that too short, too tight,  faded 24 year- old friend of hers.

And Never forget – A Smile Changes everything!


A New Purpose – Writing A Book?


We have all heard someone  say,  “Oh, you should write a book!” And maybe you have thought about writing your memoirs – but doubting if anybody would be interested holds you back. Your family would certainly be curious, because they don’t know ALL ABOUT you.

How to start is always the hardest part, but help is in sight.

If you are receiving the AARPBulletin (and who doesn’t?) there is an article Tell The STORY of your life (September 2017 issue)giving step by step instructions and information how to go about it.

If you decide to leave this legacy for your kids and grandchildren it won’t only benefit them, but it will give you a purpose for getting up every morning, for being counted, for not feeling isolated or left behind – and at the end of that road you will leave part of you for posterity in the heart of those who loved you.

So the first step is reading the article in AARPBulletin – starting on page 34 – I hope it will inspire you

And Never forget — A Smile Changes Everything


Find A Roommate. What At My Age?


Did you have roommates when you were young? When you went to college? Or before you got married?

I recently came across some information  I want to share with you, but first let me say this.

In the beginning of life we make concessions and find it quite normal. Now being older, being  at the other spectrum of life compromising might be the answer again for the daily increasing number of baby boomers. Many of them live alone because their spouse died and the children, besides having their own life, live far away. A lot of advice is given on how to keep busy, how to connect with the world, how to make new friends, but all this is easier said than done. And not everybody is proactive enough to create a new life for themselves, making loneliness their biggest enemy.

One way to overcome this is to  step back in time – be somebody’s roommate again. It will help to overcome:

  • loneliness – you won’t get up every morning and not see another face
  •  paying a high rent – sharing a house you will pay less
  • receiving rent –  will help pay expenses of your house
  • staying in your home because you share expenses with a roommate
  • you have support when you get sick
  • you can share interests
  • it will avoid moving into a retirement community one day
  • it will be good for your health – (it is commonly known today that people who live alone are more at risk to get depressed or ill.)

Whenever I speak to someone who complains about being alone and I suggest that maybe a roommate could be the answer, the reaction is “Oh, this is not for me, I couldn’t live with a stranger.” (remember they won’t be a stranger for long once you move in together).

I read an article recently about two women who were living together but had been total strangers before becoming roommates. They admitted that it was an adjustment, but  once they had overcome some hurdles, now enjoy life again. One of the women described their success this way: “I learned to love her dog, and she learned to love my cat! And now we have things to share and we don’t feel alone anymore”

Of course how to find the right person is a big question – and here is what I want to share with you, a website that has all the answers.


Home Sweet Shared HomeFind Your Perfect Housemate

A unique roommate matching service for baby boomers and empty nesters

Even if you don’t think this is ever for you, spend some time to check it out. If nothing else it shows possibilities and ways of how others manage to overcome loneliness.

Image result for photos of older ladies


And never forget – A Smile Changes Everything!



PS. Silvernest covers all states in the US


Dress to Impress – Find Out How – 2. Installment

Every Sunday I look forward to connecting with you, today it’s about


To see what you like about yourself, you need—besides an open mind—a full-length mirror. Stand in front of it and try to imagine that the person reflected there is someone else. This way your good points become more apparent. Being more objective will make you more generous. You will give yourself credit for what you have instead of being over-critical.

Start with your hair. Does it frame your face the right way? Is it too short to do so? Or, if your hair is long, would a shorter style make it appear thicker and more sensual? Would more frequent brushing add the life that is missing? When looking at your face, it might occur to you that make-up could improve it. If you are not used to wearing any, or if you don’t want to look made-up, relax: having good make-up that enhances your face does not mean a heavy, painted look. It can be very subtle and still create the effect you want.

Now to your body. In order to know what to do about a large bust or thin arms, you must first be aware of your assets and liabilities. And to help you to get to know yourself well, I would like you to fill out the chart below. Standing in front of your full-length mirror, pull in your stomach and stand straight. Start with your shoulders; don’t accuse them of sloping when bad posture is the culprit. Examine yourself carefully and circle the appropriate adjectives.

SHOULDERS: Broad Narrow Sloping Just right
NECK: Long Short Fair Just right
BUS Big Small Fair Just right
ARMS: Heavy Thin Fair Just right
WAIST: TORSO: STOMACH: BigLong-waisted Protruding SmallShort-waisted Fair 


Just right 

Just right

HIPS:, Wide Narrow Fair Just right
DERRIERE: Big Flat Fair Just right
LEGS (length): Long Short Fair Just right
THIGHS: Heavy Thin Fair Just right
LEGS (below knees): Heavy Thin Fair Just right
HANDS: Small Large Fair Just right
My best features (s):

 What I don’t like about myself:                                                       


Now that you have completed the list, check it thoroughly. You will find that you have more assets than defects. And don’t feel depressed about something like heavy thighs; most defects (or what appear to be defects) can be corrected or minimized through diet, exercise, better posture, better care, or more attention to detail. There are very few things that are impossible to correct, and even those are easier to live with once you know them . Being aware of your body will help you buy the clothes that will make you feel and look more attractive and confident.


Until next Sunday when we start to look at  The Importance of Colour, Prints and Fit

And never forget – A Smile Changes Everything!



Tip of the Day- Wardrobe Update

Most of the time I am happy with my wardrobe

– I think I have enough clothes

– I think I am following fashion trends

  • – I think my clothes fit my lifestyle
  •  -I think my clothes are nice.

But all this changes when I go and stroll through a clothing store like Zara, or any other store for that matter and see the latest arrivals. Suddenly I  remember my 4 year old raincoat – wow – what a difference! The one I am looking at seems to be from another planet – and it makes me wonder –  am I really so ignorant about what is in or out. And look at all those uneven hemlines on blouses, knit top, and dresses. The ones hanging in my wardrobe are all straight – and what are all these new fabrics clothes are made of?

A real eye-opener – but it doesn’t make me throw out everything I have, yet it makes me realize that my raincoat needs replacing and adding a few new tops will give a fresh touch to my wardrobe. 

So if you are not sure that your closet needs a little update take a walk through your favorite boutique or department store, the new arrivals for the season will answer all your questions.

And never forget – A Smile Changes Everything!                          


Getting the most for your buck!

scan0004-2The other day when I was putting on my favorite black pants, and one of the four sweaters I wear all the time, finishing it with a duffel coat I have worn all winter, it occurred to me that I wear these items all the time. Then I asked myself why? The answer was easy – because I feel very comfortable in them – because I look good in them – because they stand up to wear and tear.   They are like old faithful friends, and I can always rely on them to make my day. The reason? I bought the best quality I could afford.

No, it doesn’t mean we have to buy designer clothes, those are for the rich and famous. But it means choosing between a discount store – yes, I know they carry brands too, but often they are the items they could not sell elsewhere, the rejects – and a higher priced department store, like a Neiman Marcus, Lord & Taylor, or a boutique in your neighborhood.

If you have a  budget, and who doesn’t, you will buy less by buying better,  One advantage here is your wardrobe will be less crowded- and the other advantage is that you won’t have to think so long what to wear, because when you buy better, everything looks good on you.

It is an adjustment to pay $89 for a top instead of $29 but the extra $60 will earn their keep so to speak, over and over by making you feel and look good.

We are still in the beginning of the New Year – could that be one of your New Year’s resolutions? Please let me know, or if  you have a question – leave a comment here and  I will be in touch with you.


And always remember – A Smile Changed Everything!







Retirement – a dream come true for so many, including the baby boomers whose numbers, according to statistics increase by 10,000 every day. Retirement fulfills the dream of not working anymore, of being free and walking on the sunny side of the street. But how sunny is that street. A street that might stretch for 10,20,30 year to come. And what is there to do on that street?

Some find their grandchildren there, or they find places to travel to, or helping others by volunteering, but will these really carry us to the end of that long road? Maybe and maybe not.

But there is something that could make us walk along that street with our head held high and feeling once more that we are part of the world and not just passing time. What is it?

Social Media

Here I have to take a moment and tell you how much I have resisted it. I didn’t like it. I struggled with it, and even went as far as I thinking I didn’t need it. Truthfully I would have preferred not to start and end my day with opening and closing that square window in my office which is part of the computer. So what made me change my mind?

Social Media

Why don’t you go online? Follow us on Twitter! Do you have a Facebook page? Get your statement by going to our website. Do you want to pay on line?  These are all questions facing us at one time or another and there is no getting away from it –  so the answer is (excuse the cliché) if you can’t beat them join them.

And by joining them we can:

  • Learning a new skill
  • Giving our life a new purpose
  • Connecting with the world
  • Feeling once more part of the world

Oh, all this is a challenge and not so easy to do. But haven’t we overcome lots of challenges in our life – why not this one?

To help me do this I have been looking for a program that will teach me. No, not online because that is where my problem lies and I won’t get it. So if you are like me, and want to take on this new challenge, try to find a class you can attend in person. Most libraries have such classes and even computers you can practice on. Or ask friends who already made the connection to Social Media to search the web to find a course for you.

And above all don’t be part of the 35% of seniors (a statistic mentioned by Senior Planet founder Tom Kamber) who don’t have a computer. If you don’t have one, get one and if you have one, learn all about it -be on the highway of life not on a  road leading to nowhere.


And never forget – A Smile Changed Everything!

2016-01-27 12.40.02 (5)Brigitte