Embrace A New Reality – Find A New Life

Are you prepared to become 80 years old, or 90, or more? Are you prepared to learn square dancing?

When  we get older and retire how well we adjust to our new life depends on many things, but most importantly on how prepared and ready we are to:

  • learn new skills
  • meet new people
  • go to unknown places
  • let go of the life we know
  • get out of our comfort zone
  • move to a new house or town
  • take risks

Being older and getting older might last a long time. If you are in your sixties or seventies you might have 25 years in front of you. Could you really look out of the same window, at the same world for that long?

Years ago I read an article in which the author advised people to learn a new trade before retiring, giving them a chance at a new life, a new career. But how many of us being 60 or 70 years old have done that? Not many. But maybe we can redeem ourselves by getting out of our comfort zone and start thinking out of the box?

What would be wrong if you moved to another country for a few months of the year. Or followed your desire to paint? Or took a cruise around the world? Or sold your house and moved into a nice new condo?

The kids – the grandkids? Don’t worry about them, they have their own life and just because you spend a few months of the year in Italy you won’t lose them. On the contrary they will be happy to visit you in Italy!

You can initiate a lot of these changes, but also watch out for what the Universe might send your way – let’s say a friend wants to start a business and ask you to be a partner. The answer is not ‘at my age I don’t think I want to take the risk.‘ Instead grab this opportunity. It might sound a little crazy or risky but it will push you out of your numbing comfort zone; giving you a reason to get up in the morning, bringing you back to life, a life which will fill the years ahead.

So are you ready to go to the moon? Image result for photos of the moon

Are you ready to go swimming with dolphins?Image result for swimming with dolphin pictures

Of course you are! Because  – not at any time – are you too old to change and think out of the box!

And never forget – A smile changes Everything!



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