Does Your Exercise Routine Include Your Face?

EXERCISE has become the formula for a longer live. A healthier life. A happier life. An active life – and all of it is true. But is there ever any mention of exercising your face? After all it has 42 muscles. So why has this part of our body been left behind?

Fortunately not by all people;  speaking from experience – by doing facial exercises for many years I can assure it works. But if I skip a day or two I can see the difference.  My skin is not as tight and my eyelids hang over a little more. A reminder to get back to my routine – and what is that routine?

Many years ago I came across an article about Carol Maggio who had developed a set of exercises for the face. First I hesitated, but since I always give everything the benefit of the doubt – I ordered the video and started doing the exercises – and never looked back.

Product Details

The set of 14 exercises takes 11 minutes – I especially like the natural way of improving my skin – no gimmicks!

It is quite amazing that magazines, TV programs, personal health gurus all emphasize exercise for the body, but seldom do we hear that the face should be included – well, maybe you want to look into it – you  will be surprised to see that not only your waist can slim down through exercise, but your checks too can lift up again when exercising your facial muscles.


P.S. The book and DVD are available on – and if you need more encouragement read some of the reviews!

And never forget – A Smile Changes Everything!


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