Mentors Needed for Social Media Tasks

The last time I talked about what impact Social Media has on older people. How it can improve the rest of our life. How it will give us a purpose, something to do, but most importantly how it will connect us to this new world. But we can’t do it alone. We need help. We need a mentor.

The definition of a mentor in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person.

Yes, that someone used to be us. We used our life experience to give advice, to lead and to teach. But now there is a new reality. One that unfortunately disregards what was valuable before the Internet. And anybody born with an iPhone in their hand does not even want to know of how it was before. I have two grandchildren, 12 and 9 and when I forget that something which is not on the computer is of no consequence, and start telling them a story about the old days -being well brought up – they feign interest, but never take their eyes off their iPhone.

So to catch up we need a mentor – but where can we find one?

  • Senior Citizen Centers
  • Public Libraries
  • At work – if you still work, or volunteer ask your younger coworkers
  • Online – if you already have a computer (but remember going to classes with other humans will feel better and you will learn easier)

And if you live in New York City or vicinity contact:

  • New York Department of Aging
  • Senior Planet
  • OATS – Older Adults Technology Services

And finally the grandchildren. They love to help when it has to do with the Internet. They even take their eyes off their phones to show you what to do on yours. Of course we have to be humble and grateful for their help as otherwise a remark like – ‘Moma I will give you an easy one so you won’t have trouble doing it’ – coming from a 9 year old will sting.

Learning what to do on my iPhone –

Mentors come in many forms and shapes, young, younger and very young. Peu importe – every bit of information will help. Good Luck!


And never forget A Smile Changes Everything!





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